Saturday, May 24, 2008

church wedding decorations - do it right the first time

Most food and beverages served for a bunch are easy to make and many can be made ahead of time. While floral arrangements have traditionally been the centerpiece of choice at many weddings there are many more original centerpiece ideas that are also very inexpensive.

This party is typically a night for the groom and his friends to share one more night of bonding before the wedding. Citrus punch is a favorite in the summertime and many women in citrus producing states love this easy to make recipe simply because it can be made from lemons and oranges that are growing in their own backyards. Sporting events are another great alternative to the usual bachelor party ideas.

Another variation is to have the bride dress according to her cultural customs while the groom dresses according to his cultural customs. You might want to consider having both the bride and the groom dressing in the traditional attire of the one of the families but having them enter the ceremony to traditional music of the other family. Having a few trusted friends or family members come dress shopping with you can help you find the dress of your dreams.

While this situation may work out very well for the florist, it could be the recipe for disaster at your wedding. The wedding dress is a critical element in a wedding.

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